MuServer 第 2 季 + Src 插件 GS/GSCS + Src Custom.dll [ FireTeam]
Published: Comment: No Comments
Last Modified:2024-10-04 13:10:15
MuServer 第 2
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// #|-- Corrections
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// => [Plugin] Craked M:/driver
// => [Plugin] Nprotect CheckSum
// => [Plugin] Potions 255
// => [Plugin] Ancient + Options full
// => [Plugin] Move gate
// => [Plugin] Error-L10
// => [Plugin] Nick: Webzen
// => [Plugin] Dark Horse & Dark Heaven baú crash
// => [Plugin] Checar serial 0
// => [Plugin] Pk item drop
// => [Plugin] Reload in connectserver
// => [Plugin] Game master move around M
// => [Plugin] Pk count limite delete
// => [Plugin] Use of a single dataserver
// => [Plugin] Dataserver standy by
// => [Plugin] Party zen
// => [Plugin] Party zen devilsquare
// => [Plugin] Error-L2
// => [Plugin] Invalid sokect
// => [Plugin] Service pack 2 disconnect
// => [Plugin] Cliente hack check
// => [Plugin] Cliente speed hack
// => [Plugin] Cashshop aceitar item full
// => [Plugin] Elf move at automatic low level
// => [Plugin] Checksum
// => [Plugin] GameMaster Mortal
// => [Plugin] GameMaster Balloon
// => [Plugin] Crash in the experience system
// => [Plugin] Crywolf on gs_cs only
// => [Plugin] AttackDamageRate in Duelo
// => [Plugin] MagicDamageRate in Duelo
// => [Plugin] Dupar jewelry in Lahap
// => [Plugin] Marlon Quest Save
// => [Plugin] Invasion message fixs
// => [Plugin] personal shop reset at low level
// => [Plugin] Eventitembags that did not drop an item with luck & ex
// => [Plugin] Attacking Allies at Castle Siege
// => [Plugin] Dark Horse, Fenrir, Dinorant & Uniria at Chaos Castle
// => [Plugin] Dark Horse & Fenrir in Atlans
// => [Plugin] Dark Horse & Fenrir in Icarus
// => [Plugin] Dark Horse, Fenrir, Dinorant & Uniria em Kalima
// => [Plugin] Dark Spirit Preview
// => [Plugin] Kris Invisível in Trade (It rarely happened!)
// => [Plugin] Crash when using %s, %d in messages
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// #|-- Removals
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// => [Plugin] Ggsrvdll.dll & ggauth.dll
// => [Plugin] Warning Dark Horse & Dark Heaven
// => [Plugin] Suporte a itens +14 & +15
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// #|-- Server Settings
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// => [Plugin] Guard's Speech
// => [Plugin] Door UDP
// => [Plugin] Servidor Non-PK
// => [Plugin] Points By Level
// => [Plugin] Maximum Number of Players
// => [Plugin] Maximum Zen in the Warehouse
// => [Plugin] CheckSum
// => [Plugin] Personal ID
// => [Plugin] Players to start chaos castle
// => [Plugin] Players to start an alliance guild
// => [Plugin] Percentage of Jewels
// => [Plugin] Time of Items on the Floor
// => [Plugin] Experience Free
// => [Plugin] Experience Vip1
// => [Plugin] Experience Vip2
// => [Plugin] Experience Vip3
// => [Plugin] DropRate Free
// => [Plugin] DropRate Vip1
// => [Plugin] DropRate Vip2
// => [Plugin] DropRate Vip3
// => [Plugin] Blade knight skills configuration
// => [Plugin] GreatFortitude configuration
// => [Plugin] ManaShield configuration
// => [Plugin] CriticalDamage configuration
// => [Plugin] Blood Castle Awards
// => [Plugin] Chaos Castle Awards
// => [Plugin] System VIP
// => [Plugin] System Beginner
// => [Plugin] Chaos Machine Mix Percentage
// => [Plugin] Experience in party
// => [Plugin] CalCharacter
// => [Plugin] New boxes
// => [Plugin] Commands
// => [Plugin] Automatic events
// => [Plugin] Stone collector
// => [Plugin] Drop items
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// #|-- Player Commands
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// => [Plugin] /post#|-- Global message
// => [Plugin] /pkclear #|-- Clean your character's Pk / hero
// => [Plugin] /reset #|-- Resets your character (Cumulative, Scoring, Tabulated)
// => [Plugin] /mreset #|-- Master reset your character (Status, Resets)
// => [Plugin] /readd #|-- Redistribute points
// => [Plugin] /for #|-- Add strength points
// => [Plugin] /agi #|-- Adds agility points
// => [Plugin] /vit #|-- Adds vitality points
// => [Plugin] /ene #|-- Adds energy points
// => [Plugin] /cmd #|-- Add points in command
// => [Plugin] /bau #|-- Multiple chests command
// => [Plugin] /zen #|-- Adds zen to the character
// => [Plugin] /online #|-- Shows players / GMs online
// => [Plugin] /irmatamata #|-- Participates in kills kills
// => [Plugin] /irpegapega #|-- Participates in the handle
// => [Plugin] /irsurvivor #|-- Participates in the survivor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// #|-- GameMaster commands
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// => [Plugin] /moveall #|-- Move all characters
// => [Plugin] /disconnect #|-- Disconnects a character
// => [Plugin] /gmove #|-- Move the character
// => [Plugin] /trace #|-- Move you to the character
// => [Plugin] /skin #|-- Adds skin to the character
// => [Plugin] /premiar #|-- Reward players
// => [Plugin] /quiz #|-- Register an answer
// => [Plugin] /matamata #|-- Starts the kills kills event
// => [Plugin] /pegapega #|-- Starts the catch-up event
// => [Plugin] /survivor #|-- Starts the survivor event
// => [Plugin] /firework #|-- Fireworks for everyone online
// => [Plugin] /reload #|-- Reload settings
// => [Plugin] ! #|-- Name + message for everyone
// => [Plugin] # #|-- Name above + message to all
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// #|-- Standard Events WebZen
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// => [GameServer] Devil Square
// => [GameServer] Blood Castle
// => [GameServer] Chaos Castle
// => [GameServer] Kalima
// => [GameServer] Battle Soccer
// => [GameServer] Loren Deep
// => [GameServer] Golden Invasion
// => [GameServer] White Wizard
// => [GameServer] Evento Crywolf
// => [GameServer] Castle Siege
// => [GameServer] Kantru Event
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// #|-- Automatic New Events
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// => [Plugin] Mata-Mata
// => [Plugin] Pega-Pega
// => [Plugin] Survivor
// => [Plugin] Happy Hour
// => [Plugin] Quiz
// => [Plugin] Death Match
// => [Plugin] Boss #|-- You can register as many invasions as you want
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// #|-- NPC's
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// => [Plugin] Gowther - Stones collector
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// #|-- Functions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// => [Plugin] Connection with MSSQL
// => [Plugin] System of Display
// => [Plugin] GMs Online Ad
// => [Plugin] Welcome Messages
// => [Plugin] Automatic News
// => [Plugin] Protection Against Disconnect Hack
// => [Plugin] Protection Against Trade Hack
// => [Plugin] Protection Against Dupe Hack
// => [Plugin] Protection Against Attacks (Flood)
// => [Plugin] Protection Against Unicode Create Char
// => [Plugin] Protection Against Unicode Create Guild
// => [Plugin] Protection Against Speed Hack
// => [Plugin] Maximum Status Set (32767)
// => [Plugin] Protocol release JPN -> ENG
// => [Plugin] Select character, servers, exit in 1 second
// => [Plugin] New Scores System for Guild War
// => [Plugin] New CalCharacter
// => [Plugin] New GCReFillSend
// => [Plugin] New GCManaSend
// => [Plugin] Kills Heros / Pk counting system and save to database
// => [Plugin] Balancer
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// #|-- Customs Main
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// => [Customs] Glow
// => [Customs] New items released, Limit 255
// => [Customs] Removed GameGuard folder
// => [Customs] Auto click (F10 = Enable, F10 = Disable)
// => [Customs] Auto Attack (F11 = Enable, F11 = Disable)
// => [Customs] Removed Indent
// => [Customs] Wings Level 1 full
// => [Customs] Prints are saved in the ScreenShot folder
// => [Customs] Siege Skills
// => [Customs] Monster HP (F8 = On, F8 = Off)
// => [Customs] 3 Novas caixas
// => [Customs] 4 New Jewelry
// => [Customs] 1 Death Match Event Invitation
// => [Customs] 30 New wings
// => [Customs] Mini-Map (TAB = On, TAB = Off)
// => [Customs] Minimizer (F9 = Hidden, F9 = Restore)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// #|-- Correções Main
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// => [Customs] Source
// => [Customs] Accentuation
// => [Customs] Textures
// => [Customs] Use of cpu
// => [Customs] Move cursor (When you open the NPC)
// => [Customs] Agility
// => [Customs] LevelUpPoint
// => [Customs] GCReFillSend
// => [Customs] GCManaSend
// => [Customs] Two Weapon View
// => [Customs] Experience Bar
// => [Customs] Status bug in character selection
// => [Customs] Lag usando CTRL