关于ItemDrop.txt [S4 - S15]

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ItemDrop.txt [S4 - S15]
here's short explantation for ItemDrop.txt [MUServer\Item]

File Function:

This file controls the drop of a specific item. You can add or remove items from this file to control their drop.

Setting the File:

Hidden Content
Index: Identification of the item generated from the Item.txt file with the mathematical formula (Section x 512) + Type
Level: Level of the item when dropping.
Grade: Excellent grade of the item.
Option (0 - 6): Index of the item option (check details in ItemOptionRate.txt)
-1 = Unused
Duration: Duration of the item on the ground.
0 = Does not disappear
MapNumber: Map number where the item will fall.
-1 = Any map
MonsterClass: Index of the monster that drops the item (check in the Monster.txt file)
-1 = Any monster.
MonsterLevelMin: Minimum level that the monster must have to drop the item (check Monster.txt)
-1 = Any level
MonsterLevelMax: Maximum level that the monster must have to drop the item (check in Monster.txt)
-1 = Any level
DropRate: Drop probability of the item (x / 1000000)
-1 = Maximum probability

Last Modified:2024-08-08 23:13:35
